
Gateway Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Several ways to pay your personal property and first-half real estate taxes in Cfield


Did you know? There are several ways to pay your personal property and first-half real estate taxes in #Cfield. To make paying personal property and real estate taxes easier and more convenient, there are now three payment kiosks located in the county!

Outside of the Chesterfield County Administration Building at 9901 Lori Road

North Courthouse Road Library at 325 Courthouse Road

Meadowdale Library at 4301 Meadowdale Boulevard

The outside payment kiosks are available 24 hour a day, seven days a week, and accepts cash, credit/debit card and check payments. 

Remember, personal property and first-half real estate taxes are due Monday, June 6. For a full list of tax payment options, click here: https://bit.ly/3LPWDaA.