
Gateway Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

COUNTY OF CHESTERFIELD: Department of Community Enhancement: Virtual Discussion on the Lead-Based Paint Grant Program

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County of Chesterfield recently issued the following announcement.

Department of Community Enhancement: Virtual Discussion on the Lead-Based Paint Grant Program

THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 2021 AT 6:30 PM UTC+08

Free  · Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Price: Free

Public  · Anyone on or off Facebook

Lead-based paint is dangerous for children ages 5 years and younger. Exposure to lead can cause learning and behavior problems, as well as slower development. What you might not know is lead-based paint is present in some houses in Chesterfield built as late as 1978.The Chesterfield Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program is a partnership project between Chesterfield County and a non-profit Project:HOMES, to help make homes lead-safe by providing free lead-paint abatement and home repairs to qualifying households.If you think your or a loved one’s home may be at risk, please join us for an informal virtual conversation on Wednesday, June 23 from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m.To register for the event, click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/.../tZ0rc...To see if you qualify for the lead-based paint program, click here: https://app.smartsheet.com/.../085b6d4afd06454b86be13f8b2...

Original source: https://www.facebook.com/events/292607879075382?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D